Away Team Report: (2013.0425) Best of Both Worlds Remastered in Theaters


[ABOVE: The Century 20 Daly City away team strikes a flawless beam-in pose]

Captain’s Log, Stardate 2013.0425. The crew has once again beamed down to the movie theaters at the Century 9 space station in San Francisco for a remastered Next Generation double feature. This time, the event was featuring parts 1 and 2 of the infamous Best of Both Worlds cliff hanger.

As I prepared to beam down with my away team, the USS Loma Prieta received an emergency distress signal that an identical event was occurring at the Century 20 space station in Daly City. Not being able to be two places at once, First Officer Jon Sung prepared Runabout Egon for departure with his own away team.


[ABOVE: USS Loma Prieta crew rendezvous at Century 9 San Francisco with members of the USS Golden Gate and USS Gygax]

With Century 20 in good hands, I proceeded with my away team to Century 9, where the USS Loma Prieta crew rendezvoused with an away team from the USS Golden Gate and even an officer from the USS Gygax.


[ABOVE: LT Jesse MacKinnon resists assimilation by the Borg]

The remastered episodes looked phenomenal and the mission went off without a hitch, at least until LT Jesse MacKinnon encountered a lone Borg drone in the theater’s lobby. Jesse hasn’t quite been the same since. Recommended he be kept under observation by the Ship’s counselor for the foreseeable future.

Perkins, out.

=/= CAPT Zach Perkins

Commanding Officer

USS Loma Prieta

Century 9 (San Francisco) Away Team Crew Manifest:

CAPT Zach Perkins

CAPT Erik Roberts

LT Jesse MacKinnon

LT Amy Sloan

LT Samantha Dolgoff

LTJG Harley Cooper

EN Shawn Alpay

EN Cindy Bee

EN Andy Smith

EN Chef Spencer Scott

EN Andrew Rogge

CR Michaela Maloney

Century 20 (Daly City) Away Team Crew Manifest:

CMDR Jon Sung

LCDR Tom Hesser

EN Melissa Crystal

CR Kristen Adam