EPISODE 1: “SHIFTS” – Act 3 (by Shawn Alpay)

[Story by Shawn Alpay, Character Art by Thomas Marrone] Previously on Star Trek: Loma Prieta… Episode 1: Shifts – Prologue Episode 1: Shifts – Act 1 Episode 1: Shifts – Act 2 ACT 3  Captain’s Log, Stardate 48316.2.  In the wake of an outbreak of food poisoning generated by the ship’s replicators, I’ve assembled my senior staff …

EPISODE 1: “SHIFTS” – Prologue (by Shawn Alpay)

[Story by Shawn Alpay, Character Art by Thomas Marrone] PROLOGUE The ship rocked violently under the force of the looming Klingon battle cruiser.  On the bridge, lights were low, and morale was lower.  The officer in command picked himself up off from the ground and nursed a freshly-twisted shoulder as the chief medical officer quickly …