Personnel Report (2011.0729)

Greetings crew! Welcome to the USS Loma Prieta’s first personell report. First up, we’ll cover promotions and Academy graduations, followed by crew strength and then a breakdown of the roster by crew position.

Congratulations to the following officers who recently passed Starfleet Academy’s Officer Training School (OTS) and received promotions to Lt (jg).
-Lt (jg) Tom Hesser
-Lt (jg) Brian Schroeder (with Honors)
-Lt (jg) Jon Sung

The USS Loma Prieta presently has a crew strength of 10 officers registered with Starfleet, in addition to 4 unregistered crewman. Of our 14 crew members, 2 are correspondant members (non-local).

The ship’s crew structure is as follow, with positions being grouped by division. There are several new positions here which will be included and further defined in the upcoming edition of the chapter handbook.

CO – Cmdr. Zach Perkins
XO – Lt. Samantha Dolgoff (acting)
Yeoman – En. Cindy Bee

Helm Officer – Lt(jg) Jon Sung
Navigation Officer – En. Andy Smith

Chief Science Officer – Lt. Samantha Dolgoff
Xenoathropology Specialist – Crw. Jenny Wilson

Engineering Officer – Lt(jg) Tom Hesser
Warp Propulsion Officer – Lt(jg) Brian Schroeder
Replicator Systems Specialist – Crw. Pete Hottelet

Operations Officer – En. Nicole Lippman
Quartermaster – En. Tria Connell

Tactical Officer – En. Ben Roodman
Security Crewman – Crw. Steve Band
Security Crewman – Crw. Micah Jolly

Medical Officer – vacant

~Cmdr. Zach Perkins
Commanding Officer
USS Loma Prieta
Starfleet, Region 4