Away Team Report: (2012.0223) Academy of Sciences – ‘Robots!’

Yep, we went again. At this rate, I’m starting to think that we should just re-name the USS Loma Prieta’s ship’s bar to “the Academy”. Our ‘bar’ would be like Ten Forward, the arboretum, AND the holodeck combined. Best ship’s lounge ever, amirite??

An away team lead by myself, Capt. Zach Perkins, and accompanied by LtCmdr. Tom Hesser, Lt. Samantha Dolgoff, En. Cindy Bee, and En. Kristin Koperski beamed down to the luxurious landing pads of the California Academy of Science to survey their impressive array of artificial lifeforms and various other automated works of art.

Lt. Dolgoff and I first rendezvoused with Admiral David Nottage of the USS Golden Gate, and together we attended an in-depth holographic simulation and briefing on NASA’s 21st century robotic missions to explore Sector 001. Afterwards, we re-grouped with the rest of the USS Loma Prieta crew for a bite to eat at the Academy’s mess hall. The crew proceeded to sample some fine Earth beverages until our servos were sufficiently ‘lubricated’ to proceed with our survey.

Our first discovery was a set of robots made out of household items, like kitchen dish brushes, which were thoroughly amusing. We again encountered the same pre-Borg spheres that we had discovered during our previous Academy away mission (this time they threatened us with an eerie electronic cry of “EXTERMINATE!!!”), as well as an R2-D2 style droid made out of a discarded Heineken mini-keg, and even a pair of small spider-like robots that seemed intent on trying to mate with our shoes.

Before the evening concluded, we learned that the Academy of Sciences would soon be hosting a Night Life celebration for Yuri’s Night, on April 12th, which is a global celebration Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space. We immediately knew that this wouldn’t be the last time the Loma Prieta paid a visit to the Academy…

~Capt. Zach Perkins
Commanding Officer
USS Loma Prieta
Starfleet, Region 4