Captain’s Log (2012.1031): “When Looking To The Stars, Keep Both Eyes Open”

Over the last year and a half I have had the great fortune of serving as the commanding officer of the USS Loma Prieta.  I’d like to thank my crew and senior staff for their hard work and dedication at length, but instead I’ll just let their accomplishments speak for themselves.

Since June of 2011, the USS Loma Prieta has published 10 articles in the Region 4 Newsletter, and 3 in the STARFLEET Communique. We have hosted over 35 away missions, meetings and events, and have never gone a month without an in-person activity.

In that time our crew has collectively earned:
-3 OCC (Officer Command College) certificates with Honors,
-12 OTS (Officer Training School) certificates,
-passed a total of 64 STARFLEET Academy courses,
-received the 2011 Region 4 award for Shakedown Chapter of the Year,
-received the 2011 Region 4 award for Officer of the Year,
-received 4 STARFLEET Awards of Merit,
-earned one place in STARFLEET Academy’s Red Squad,
-and all with a perfect MSR reporting record.

Five of our officers have trained with the San Francisco Fire Department to become certified Disaster Response Volunteers under the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team program. When the next “Loma Prieta” type earthquake strikes San Francisco, the crew of the USS Loma Prieta will be there to help.

In 2012 we began the ‘Federation Aid for Developing World’s’ Program, through which we raised $100 as a Kiva microloan to help get a family run flour production business in Uganda off the ground. Our Stellar Cartography team also founded a SETI @ Home group that has analyzed more data to assist in the search for extraterrestrial life than 79% of all other SETI teams globally.

In August, the USS Loma Prieta achieved its first great piece of PR success when we produced a highly professional Star Trek themed viral video with Discovery Channel’s Revision3. To date, this video has received 95,000 hits on YouTube garnered much needed attention for our chapter, region and fleet.

As I write this summary of our chapter’s accolades, I’ve come to realize that I may very well be the proudest Captain in Region 4, if not all of STARFLEET.  There’s no telling what’s in store for us, but as we head at full warp toward 2013, let’s remember our motto: “When looking to the stars, keep both eyes open”.

Perkins, out. =/=

CAPT Zach Perkins
Commanding Officer
USS Loma Prieta
Starfleet, Region 4