Security Chief’s Log (2012.1101): Security, Tactical and Special Operations Report

The Starfleet Special Operations events for October had to be rescheduled. Captain Perkins was in sickbay with his significant other, and the Team Leader had a small collision with another shuttle so resources had to be diverted. What was planned was a phaser refresh course with other member’s of the chapter. However, plans are underway for an excursion into the wilderness for some phaser re-training and possibly shipboard battle tactics simulations  We have been chosen to beta test the PADD (iPad) version of Artemis and believe that with the right equipment, can use this new technology to test anywhere. Once more solidified plans for the rural excursion come about, they will be relayed to the rest of the ship.

On a Tactical note, development of a custom made shipboard simulations (Artemis) is in full swing and the Tactical department has made some amazing strides developing a battle bridge. I don’t want to divulge too many details (it’s better for the reveal when it’s completed), but suffice it to say that the end result will nothing short of epic.

For the Security side of things, I want to encourage everyone to check the STARFLEET Academy courses for security. They can be found here. They are online and pretty easy to complete. The only caveat is that you need to be a paid member of STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association (you do that here!). If you’re not  a paid member yet, why not? Anyway, the courses are easy, and everyone should have basic security training. Plus, it’s fun, so why wait?

CAPT Erik Roberts
Chief of Security/Tactical
USS Loma Prieta
Starfleet, Region 4

Team Leader
ADU-008 “Section 8”
Starfleet Special Operations