Captain’s Blog … Stardate 2011.1114

Captain’s Blog, Stardate 2011.1114…

The USS Loma Prieta continues to gain momentum as we plow through our shakedown cruise at high warp. It won’t be long until we’re a fully commissioned chapter of STARFLEET!

We wrapped up October when Lt Tom Hesser, Yeoman Cindy Bee, and myself successfully graduated from the San Francisco Fire Department’s NERT training program. After 6 long weeks of training and studying, we completed a dynamic disaster response training course and were awarded our NERT identification and safety gear. The Chief of the SFFD himself was even on hand to award was with our certifications! The crew of the USS Loma Prieta has now taken its first major step toward greater community involvement with 3 members now in good standing as civilian disaster response volunteers.

November kicked-off when Lt Jon Sung took command of a runabout to seek out the mythical fast food planet of Sonic. Accompanied by Lt Tom Hesser and Ensign Andy Smith, the away mission was declared a success when they located the Sonic system deep in the Hayward nebula. Meanwhile, Ensign Micah Jolly and Crewman Natalie Raff beamed down to Comic Con Austin and had a successful rendezvous with Fleet Captain Reed Bates, Regional Coordinator for all of Texas sector and Region 3. Away Mission reports shall be made available soon.

Our greatest achievement this month was the adoption of a brand new, original logo for our chapter (pictured above). The logo was designed and illustrated by Robert Schaefer, a graphic design artist in Berlin, Germany. For his gallant service to the USS Loma Prieta, he is hereby commissioned as an honorary member of the crew. Ensign Robert Schaefer will serve as correspondent member and an officer of the science department.

But there’s still much more to come for November. This coming week, the crew will embark on an away mission at the Academy of Sciences. The Academy’s Night Life event will be right on the money for the USS Loma Prieta. Not only does it feature a full bar and a screening of Star Trek (the 2009 film), but also a new exhibit showcasing 3D navigation and kinetic technology to create a stellar cartography system that could rival anything a Galaxy class ship could muster!

See you Thursday, crew! Perkins out.

~Cmdr. Zach Perkins
Commanding Officer
USS Loma Prieta
Starfleet, Region 4