Away Team Report: (2011.1113) Rendezvous at Comic Con Austin

The past few months on assignment in the Texas Nebula have been quiet and lonely. Much to my enjoyment, I was notified that the USS Navras and other Starfleet vessels of Region 3, would be rendezvousing in Austin for Wizard World Comic Con 2011!  I immediately grabbed my communicator and contacted Crewman Natalie Raff to ask her to join me for what was to be an interesting away mission.

Not having the foresight to don 21st century attire, we were immediately spotted before even entering the building and made to pose for pictures.  Upon entering we were amazed at the amount of people and creatures that had traveled from distant star systems to congregate at Wizard World (kind of a small world btw).  Apparently some had even traveled through time, as we were told by a pair of “Storm Troopers” that they had come from a distant galaxy long, long ago.  Their technology wasn’t quite as advanced though as they could only travel at “light speed” instead of warp.  There was even a fellow who claimed to be a god named Thor, but when faced with a phaser to his head he admitted to his mortality.  There must have been some major disturbances in our timeline because there was even a picture of a Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise set up at one of the booths.

We couldn’t allow ourselves to be distracted by any of this as our primary mission was to make contact with the USS Navras crew.  We searched high and low and were about to contact the Loma Prieta to report a failed mission, when I spotted Fleet Captain Reed Bates, the Region 3 Coordinator!  We were both very happy to run into each other in such a strange place. Fleet Captain Reed informed me that the Navras crew had ended their away mission early and headed back to Dallas for debriefing.  She also wanted me to let the Loma Prieta know that if they’re interested in conducting some war games that they would like to engage in a round of ARTEMIS!

Having verified the whereabouts of the USS Navras we decided to explore the other cultural aspects of Austin.  We found ourselves wandering the streets of the East Austin Studio Tour where artists, painters, sculptors, and other craftsmen were showcasing their work.  We even ran into a gentleman with the same last name as me who had a painting that looked strangely similard We discovered a most interesting piece that displayed a cutaway of an internal combustion engine with moving piston and rockers. Such a quaint mode of vintage transportation.

After the art tour we were asked by some of the locals to join them at their favorite watering hole.  The bartenders welcomed us with open arms and even invited me behind the bar to act as guest bartender!  We ran into a couple of young ladies who apparently had been in contact with the Vulcans as they greeted us with the Vulcan sign for prosperity. After a night of heavy celebration it was time to call the mission a success and end the night with something called an “Irish Car Bomb.”  This may have led to climbing things and making silly faces, but I honestly don’t remember.

In conclusion, Ensign Jolly would like to highly recommend that the USS Loma Prieta embark on a away mission for next year’s Wizard World Comic Con in Austin.

~ En. Micah Jolly
Security Officer
USS Loma Prieta
Starfleet, Region 4