Away Team Report: (2011.0804) Kennedy Space Center – Trek Exhibit

Broken shuttlecraft rides, fake Vulcans, and so much Trek memorabilia. 

While on shore leave in the Florida sector, I received word from Starfleet that the Kennedy Space Center had not one, but two Trek related points of interest. I immediately plotted an away mission. The Space Center had been running an educational live-action show, called ‘Mad Science presents Star Trek Live’, for some time. This performance, aimed at introducing young cadets to basic scientific principles, was also joined by the traveling museum of ‘Star Trek: The Exhibition’, which together made for the Kennedy Space Center’s ‘Sci-Fi Summer’.

Star Trek: The Exhibition seemed to focus most heavily on TNG memorabilia, which had it’s own, large area right at the entrance. TOS, on the other hand, was relegated to hiding in the IMAX theater. They had a Trek themed ride on site, but alas, it was broken. Since it was a motion simulator that traveled with the Exhibition and not a permanent installation, I can’t help but wonder what I missed.

While wandering the grounds of the Space Center, you could see some ‘Vulcans’ hanging out in their 21st century Earth street clothes, presumably waiting for own their scheduled performance of the Star Trek Live science show.

If either of these exhibits ever come (or in the case of Star Trek: The Exhibition; returns), a full scale USS Loma Prieta away mission is certainly in order.

~En. Nicole Lippman
Operations Officer
USS Loma Prieta
Starfleet, Region 4