Captain’s Blog … Stardate 2011.0728


Captain’s Blog, Stardate 2011.0728…  

It is with this entry that I hereby mark the inauguration of the ship’s blog for the Ambassador class cruiser USS Loma Prieta. This blog shall serve as the primary channel through which the senior staff will publish their reports, the contents of which shall be compiled to make up the ship’s newsletter on a bi-monthly basis. This will include posts such as the Captain’s Blog (general updates from the CO), Away Team Debriefings (field trip follow ups), Personnel Reports (promotions and updates to membership), reports from department heads and other special posts.

When our engineering team is ready to launch the Loma Prieta’s full website, this blog will be incorporated into the structure. Given this new information and the subsequent changes in policy towards in-chapter communications, a revised edition of the USS Loma Prieta handbook will be forthcoming.

Until then, standby for a personnel report… Perkins, out.

~Cmdr. Zach Perkins
Commanding Officer
USS Loma Prieta
Starfleet, Region 4