Hailing Frequencies Open!

If you saw us at one of our many events across the Bay Area, welcome! The Loma Prieta is looking for new members in the San Francsico bay area, so if you love Star Trek, exploration, self enrichment, and helping others in true 24th century fashion then we want to hear from you! Please sign up and we’ll contact you promptly about our next open recruiting event.

EPISODE 1: “SHIFTS” – Epilogue (by Shawn Alpay)

[Story by Shawn Alpay, Character Art by Thomas Marrone]

Previously on Star Trek: Loma Prieta…
Episode 1: Shifts – Prologue
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 1
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 2
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 3
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 4
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 5
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 6
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 7
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 8


Captain’s Log, Supplemental.

It’s been two weeks since the incident in the Daynor sector that conveyed the crew of the Loma Prieta through the Anchor into this mirror universe.  Our universe, depending on one’s perspective.  Unfortunately, our trusty ship could not follow suit, having been too heavily damaged by the advanced weaponry employed by the Federation of that other reality.  My senior staff engaged the auto-destruct, presumably destroying the Anchor in the process, as the anomaly hasn’t appeared in this reality since that time. 

Continue reading “EPISODE 1: “SHIFTS” – Epilogue (by Shawn Alpay)”

EPISODE 1: “SHIFTS” – Act 8 (by Shawn Alpay)

[Story by Shawn Alpay, Character Art by Thomas Marrone]

Previously on Star Trek: Loma Prieta…
Episode 1: Shifts – Prologue
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 1
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 2
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 3
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 4
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 5
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 6
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 7


Setting down the flashing tricorder and leaning it against the window, Perkins popped open his combadge and quickly inspected its contents.  He removed its power cell and held it up in the dim light for inspection; it had been cracked in a couple of places, most likely when he fell during the last exchange of fire.  He glanced around the power conduit room for a suitable replacement, then made his way over to a drawer and pulled it open, finding a neat row of PADDs.  All of them were locked out with high-level security clearance, no doubt, but each of them possessed a suitable power replacement — so Perkins fetched one up and, holding the edges with his pinky and thumb, slapped the back flatly down on the desk nearby, cracking open the outer casing and revealing the circuitry inside.  He deftly extracted a power cell and slotted it into his combadge, then placed it back on the left breast of his sooty uniform and tapped it.

Continue reading “EPISODE 1: “SHIFTS” – Act 8 (by Shawn Alpay)”

EPISODE 1: “SHIFTS” – Act 7 (by Shawn Alpay)

[Story by Shawn Alpay, Character Art by Thomas Marrone]

Previously on Star Trek: Loma Prieta…
Episode 1: Shifts – Prologue
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 1
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 2
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 3
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 4
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 5
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 6


The Loma Prieta’s impulse engines and starboard maneuvering thrusters roared to life, and the Starfleet vessel arced gracefully ahead and left, narrowly avoiding a stream of green plasma energy slung by one of the nodes on the innermost science station.  A reply of three photon torpedoes was quickly volleyed, zipping forward and narrowly missing their target, with one of the projectiles impacting on the surface of the ring installation and the other two missing completely, disappearing into the anomaly.

Continue reading “EPISODE 1: “SHIFTS” – Act 7 (by Shawn Alpay)”

EPISODE 1: “SHIFTS” – Act 6 (by Shawn Alpay)

[Story by Shawn Alpay, Character Art by Thomas Marrone]

Previously on Star Trek: Loma Prieta…
Episode 1: Shifts – Prologue
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 1
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 2
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 3
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 4
Episode 1: Shifts – Act 5


“Captain Sung!  And Mr. Perkins!  A pleasure to see you both.  But may I ask, why have you diverted from your reported course?”

“Admiral Rothschild?” Sung said, staring at the viewscreen.  “Are you here?”

“No, Captain,” Rothschild replied, folding his arms.  “I’m back at Starbase 415… expecting you.  The installation in which you find yourself is configured to remotely prepare weapons and notify Starfleet Command upon detection of any vessel.”

“Admiral… what is this place?”

Continue reading “EPISODE 1: “SHIFTS” – Act 6 (by Shawn Alpay)”